
Subject: Our Visit to Mezna, Jan. 2, 2012
Dear Tom & Marie,

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Our visit to the village of my ancestors Tomasu in Mezna, with Marie on January 2nd, turned out to be far more than I could ever have dreamed of!
Marie was able to help us meet some of my current relatives, and with her knowledge and background, along with her personality, allowed us to learn more about each other and created memories for a lifetime!
We were very impressed with Marie's knowledge of so many areas, and how easily she was to work with. She provided us with a lot of good background and historical information about the Czech Republic and the area. She was knowledgeable, friendly, and professional. Marie was also flexible and worked with information that came up to help us make the most of this visit.
I am very pleased with the services you have provided us, and I believe your fees are a very good value.
I will very likely be in touch with you again in the future for your assistance in translation and understanding information, customs, or for where would be best to go for specific research items.
Again thank you for helping us make this a trip of a lifetime!

Best Wishes,

Doug Tomas, East Troy, WI

Dear Tom and Marie

We've been so busy since our return from Prague that I've been remiss in communicating.  I mostly wanted to take this holiday moment to thank you again for helping to make our October visit so successful.  Our memories are fond and strong.  Thanks!!!

When I get a bit more organized I will be compiling all the Schweitzer family information and pictures to share among cousins.  I'll be sure to mention your help (and web page) when I write them, so maybe you'll get more interest from other potential family travelers.

Here's a bit about our experience staying in the Vysehrad apartment for you to share with others:

The apartment at Vysehrad was a perfect traveler's home for us in Prague.  Inside, the apartment is comfortable, very clean, and a pleasant place to prepare food and relax.  The fourth floor view from both bedrooms and the kitchen is terrific, overlooking the Vysehrad castle walls and colorful nearby houses, especially at sunset.  The location was great--for genuine local atmosphere without tourist crowds, shopping for groceries in small shops and bakeries, eating at a small Czech restaurant, and walking the castle grounds.  The apartment is also within walking distance of the metro and the waterfront, and near a bank with indoor ATM access and two internet cafes.  We recommend the apartment highly to any travelers who prefer a bit of independence and simplicity to a hotel atmosphere.

We wish you and your family the very best for 2009,

Jean and Tim Cochrane
Dear Tom,
     It's been exactly a year since we visited your wonderful country and both Bonnie and I look back on that day that you took us around the countryside with fond memories.  As a matter of fact the day we spent with you taking in the scenery and related history was one of the highlights of our trip to Eastern Europe.  Tom, you wove such a rich tapestry of the Czech Republic's history from the 800s on up to the present all while creeping along through a fender- bender- caused traffic jam on our way to Turnov.  We aren't history buffs but you made it come alive for us.  Visiting the museum at Turnov with our interest in minerals, was totally enjoyable as was the visit to the historical farmstead.  What was so unique and incomparable was our hike in Bohemian Paradise from the exquisitely carved abodes on the plateau top to the well worn trails through the woods and over the rock cliffs.  Ending up at the Svijany brewery couldn't have been a better cap off to a wonderful day.  Since back in the States we cannot sample Svijany's wares, we have to satisfy our thirst with Urquells which as a matter of fact we did tonight.  We have been meaning for some time to write and send you some pictures, so what better occasion the the 1st year anniversary.  You might ask of this letter of bliss, were there any negatives?  Well, yes, there were two.  One is that day drew to a close.  The other is that we cannot be doing the same thing right now.  We hope your business is thriving and that your lovely family is doing well.  If you would like to use any part of this letter for any purpose, feel free as we would like nothing better than to promote what you do.  By the way, your Easter picture that you sent, was so appealing in texture, balance, and especially color.  Here's a few of our own:

Apple and rape blossoms on a road outside Turnov

A couple of the original settlers

Wow!  What a view.

What I wouldn't do for one of these tankards right now.  Peter was so much fun trying to (quite successfully) communicate in English and you brushing up on your Czech.

A commanding view of the valley below.  Shall we hit up that caravan?

I think we're really lost this time

Thanks again. 
All the best,

Craig and Bonnie MacLeod